Thursday 5 February 2015


Location of shots

This location here is a quiet and remote location. It would be a perfect location to have a criminal deal go down as not many people will walk by or have any sort of social interaction here. However this may be quite a good location for a kidnapping, it also has problems such as being right next to a hotel and football stadium. So on certain nights this car park could be buzzing and we may not be able to film without a situation occuring like the police being called. However for our scene this is a really ideal location.

When Benny is on the phone with his client we could be in a coffee shop acting as if he is having another business meeting with another client until he is interrupted by a phone call from an old school friend who needs some help. This is a good location as it can appear as if the whole drug dealer theme is legit as in many movies big dealers are always in cafe's and restaurants. However, we may be removed from the property for filming and customers may become an obstacle as they may ruin our shots and talk over what we are filming and not let our characters dialogue be heard. 

Here we have an abandoned house where the torture scene can take place. This location would make for a great establishing shot however it seemed to be very hard to actually enter the property. If we cannot enter this property we have another but this is the most ideal one as it's presence is very eerie. With this location we can easily have a great torture scene and the property seems like a very suitable place for it to take part. 

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