Thursday 12 February 2015

risks + props

The Props
We had a black BB gun in our movie and we were not able to carry on filming with it on us. It was a massive problem filming in public with the gun. The gun was needed though as it allows us to keep up with the whole theme of action. We were stopped by armed police whilst recording and we did understand that this could of happened before we started filming but we thought that with special precautions we could avoid this from happening, but it did and luckily no on was arrested or killed by the police. 

Also during the filming of our torture scene we found that using the knife and putting it up against one of the characters face was something that could have had a very bad outcome. To make sure this didn't end with someone going to hospital, the person holding the knife would hold the blade away from the other characters face. Also we made sure everyone in the room was observing the scene as it went on. Everyone made sure that there was no messing around when we were filming this.  Thankfully no -one in the scene was hurt by accident or careless behaviour.

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