Thursday 5 February 2015


Story board
In the first shot we will see Benny making a phone call to his old friend. Benny will be sat in a stash house were there will be a lot of equipment that he may need for his drug operation around him. In this scene we will see Benny on the phone and sat on a sofa with a table in front of him, full of 'product'. We will use a mid-shot at a high angle to show Benny's appearence and some of the things around him whislt he is on the phone.We will have a mid-shot at a slight high angle to show the audience what they need to see. This is so that the audience starts to jump to conclusions about what is going to occur in the next scene. 

The next scene will have a meeting between Benny and Rick in a car park. This scene will have Rick ready to set up Benny. A car will be parked in one of the spaces with Ricks 'crew' inside it. Once Benny hands the 'product' over Rick will pull a gun and the car will pull up and the rest of his crew will put a pillow case on Benny's head and tie his hands. At this point we will have a long-shot followed up by a series of mid-shots and close-ups of the violent act taking place. 

We will also have a torture scene where Benny is 'taken care of'. At this point we will use a series of close ups and mid shots where Rick tortures Benny. In the scene we will have a light that will show Benny's face only and the background will be pitch black. At the end of the scene we will see the gun prop put to Benny's face and a blackout of the shot with a non-diegetic gunshot sound over the blackout scene. In this scene a variety of close-ups, mid-shots and long-shots we be used. Also many of the shots will be at a tilt and high and low angles will be used to emphasise who has the power and who does'nt. All of the shots will change in quick succession; this will emphasise that the victim is in pain and deaparate for assistance.

These are the main scenes of our movie however to make the introduction around two minutes long we will use slow motion effects and study famous movies and see how there scenes where produced and how they make the audience connect with the scene. Along with the dialogue 

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