Monday 15 December 2014

Todorov's narrative theory (Loyal)

State of Equilibrium- This happens when our lead character at the start called "Benis" is calling his old friend "Rick". Rick has just came out of juvenile detention from a 5 year sentence from attempted murder at the age of 13. Benis offers to help his old secondary friend Rick to sell a kilo of cocaine for a low price to Rick. This will cost 30,000 dollars because the Colombians only accept dollars for payments.

Disruption to that Equilibrium- This is seen when the dealer and Benis actually meet. Benis hands over the brick of cocaine to Rick, which leads to Rick slicing it and tasting it, "It is good quality". This is the point when Benis asks,"How much do you want to pay for the brick?", Rick immediately interrupts by pulling out a gun and he says "nothing". Benis laughs and this is where they exchange dialogue until back up arrives for rick.

Recognition that disorder has occurred- When back-up arrives for Rick, Benis gets kidnapped. They put a pillow over his head and he is blinded by what is surrounding him. He gets put into the boot and then driven to a location that is very run down. Rick and his crew talk about what to do with Benis and what they are going to do with him (the choice of killing him or disposing him as they took his cocaine).

Attempts to resolve the situation- Benis younger brother Rico realises and gains knowledge through people that his brother (Benis) was killed and who killed him. This is where he rages and wants to avenge his brother killing each and every person who was a part of this one-by-one. It takes a while to get to Rick and then catches up with Rick in a nightclub and the gunfight happens. Rico gets shot, however he gets to kill Rick. This leads to Rico getting arrested from getting caught and found hiding at a safe house.

New Equilibrium- This can be seen when Rico is sentenced for the murder of Rick. He gets the opportunity to pack up and bring stuff for himself. He is escorted to the van and at the end of the journey he realises that he is getting put into a maximum security prison. This is where he gets flashback of the scenes from within the movie.

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