Monday 15 December 2014



Location: There will be a few different locations for each of our scenes. The scene where the dealer and customer are making contact through the phone, the audience will see one of the characters sitting in a car in a car park. The second scene will be the two characters meeting in an alley way and doing the deal. The third scene will be in a shed, this is the torture scene.

Props: We will have flour/baby powder that will be wrapped up to look like a brick of cocaine. We will also have a vehicle for the kidnapping scene because thats where the kidnapper will place the person. In two of the scenes we will have a BB-gun to emphasise the severity of the kidnapping.

Costume Design:
In our movie the characters will be portrayed as very rough and very insensitive. This means that the characters will have to dress in 'street' clothing. By this I mean that luxury brand clothing will be worn jeans will be sagging and a lot of jewellery will be worn. 

We have Benis at the first scene in his vehicle waiting for a call(car park). In the second scene, Rick will be waiting for Benis to arrive and Rick will have weapons ready to attack

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