Thursday 20 November 2014


the title of the movie relates to the genre of the movie and the theme of the movie (delusion) relates with the camera shots used and making it out of focus and in focus. also there is a lot of handheld to confuse the audience and make the scene look deranged and delusional.
the sound is very mysterious. this makes the audience want to know what is happening. there is water dripping in the bath which is a sound effect. this is used because of the cliche in horror movies. this has been done to make the audience understand that the movie is a thriller. the sound track of the movie is very disturbing making which implies that something bad is going to happen.there is a vomiting sound effect which implies that a crime or a death has happened. this can be shown from the blood that there is in the bath.
in the opening scene we can see a variety of shots that engage the audiences attention and this relates to how the music is going to be like. a lot handheld camera shot are used to create a sense of delusion. there is a good use of mise-en-scene. this can be shown when the use of blood everywhere.this makes the audience focus on what the character has done because in every shot there is blood everywhere. the use of reverse shot with the title creates an effect on the audience. this makes us feel suspense as we didnt expect the title to just pop up like that. there is also a use of  close up shot especially on the eye of the character. we can see the discontent that she feels just by looking at her and this shows her emotions. the make up on the face of the character is smudged and the audience can understand that she has been crying.  
within the opening scene we can see a variety of camera shot and these relate to how the movie is going to pan out. the actor has stayed in character throughout the whole scene. this makes the audience engage with the scene                             

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