Thursday 13 November 2014

our video

  • shot reverse shot : 8/10
  • match on action : 10/10
  • the 180 degree rule : 5/10
  • zoom : 10/10
  • panning shot : 5/10
  • handheld filming : 7/10 
the shot reverse shot you used in our movie went well. we used it when our two characters where exchanging dialogue. continuity was kept up very well with this scene and the entire scene was very easy to follow for the audience.
match on action. this probably our best shot in this movie. we used this shot when our character tony walks through the door. we managed to make the scene look as smooth as possible and virtually impossible for the audience to spot any mistakes.
the 180 degree rule was our worst shot that we have taken with in this movie. this is because our camera man actually crossed the line. this caused problems because it seemed to confuse some of our viewers. next time we will not cross the line and insure that we have learnt from our mistakes.
zoom- this shot was very good but our camera man again made the camera shake whist recording the shot. we should have re-shot the scene but we all agreed as a team that this shot was to good especially after we added the background music.
our panning shot again, was a very shot as we cannot see the character caught the bag and the camera tilts down towards the ground which makes the movie look very amateur. we will plan our next planning shot more carefully and see how we can make it better.
handheld shot achieved what we wanted it to achieve. next time we will try and make it more interesting and if we can we will try and use a better camera. so that the video does not look blurry when the character walks around with his hands.
when filming the pleminary task we leart that continuity in our clips is vital to making a movie look good. if we cannot meet continuity in our movie then it will not make sense to our audience. we have made some mistakes during filming, for example a person is in the background in one of our scenes and in the next scene he isnt. in the real task this mistake would be unacceptable. another was our camera man went over the 180 degree rule line and made the shot look very weird for the viewer. our planning shot was again pretty bad as the motion of the camera was completely unprofessional
in the editing lesson we learnt how to add music and fade away into other scenes. most importantly we learnt how to cut scenes that we didnt need. we learnt how to speed things up or slow them down if needed for effect. we also learnt how to show a characters reaction whilst another character is taking. the lesson was very helpful for all of our team and it gave us the confidence to go and do the real thing.
The music itself had a mysterious feel encouraging the audience to understand that the dialogue was to do something with "illegal activity".

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