How social groups are represented in our media production
Class-in our movie the characters are presented as being lower class 'bottom of the food chain' people. This is the only thing that we had to try and make obvious to the audience, we didn't want our movie to appear upper-class criminals to our audience so we made sure of this by ensuring that our costume design depicted lower-class petty criminal that are chasing a 'scarface' dream.
Age-Our characters are young because our target audience is a young adult age group. We want them to be able to relate to our movie and how teenagers can make mistakes because they aren't thinking clearly. Other age groups can also view our movie and enjoy it, but children shouldn't be allowed to watch our movie, for one because they aren't old enough and secondly, they can't make sense of it. This can be seen as biased, but it is also logical as we wouldn't be able to launch an advertising campaign aimed at children.
Gender-We only had male characters in our movie, but I believe that after viewing the movie having a female character could have added to the intensity of our movie. One problem that could arise of just having male charactersis that some people may view this as biased and refer back to stereotypes of women not being allowed to be around violence. This is not the case in my opinion as even having a female present in the scene has a type of effect that shows authority and power, this may have been a good addition to our movie just to create mixed emotions in the audience.
Ethnicity-In our movie we had characters from different ethnic backgrounds. Two of our characters are eastern-European and one of them is north African (Arab). This fits in nicely with the class of our characters. There are many stereotypes of eastern-Europeans being drug dealers and human traffickers this is similar with Arabs and again reinforces the appearance of the characters being from a council estate. It also lets the audience think that these characters are young criminals starting from the bottom and trying to make it to the top.
Disability-None of our characters are presented as being physically disabled, but mentally they are on the verge of doing so. To become the criminals they want to become they have to cope mentally with the violence that they will witness. This could lead to such disorders like post-traumatic stress and many other mentall health problems that a soldier may endure. The only type of disability that would be presented in our movie is psychological and not physical.
Stereotypes-In our movie we have youngsters in hoodies. This keeps up with stereotypes of teenagers being hot headed young thugs. Both of the teenagers have their hoodies up at all time and only certain facial features can be seen. The two characters in the movie were specifically chosen because they had to be the ones that did the dirty work. The way they look allows us to keep up with the stereotypes of the type of people that do the dirty work, they are either completely crazy or young and trying to get up the ranks. The torturers in our movie look young and innocent but also very dangerous and willing to do what is ordered by the boss.
This picture is an example of how our characters appearances keep up with the stereotypes that we tried to keep up with. I believe that we kept up with the stereotypes of the young 'dirty workers' that are trying to rise the ranks in their gangs. Some movies try and meet different stereotypes of torturers. For example in Texas chainsaw massacre the torturer is completely crazy and he's on a mission to hunt people down. In our movie we wanted to show the audience that our torturers were trying to become professionals.
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