Friday 27 March 2015

How did you attract/address your audience?

We wanted our movie to be an action/thriller that would surprise our audience. We wanted to target a young audience between 15-25 a large age gap, but we believed that this age group of people would want to watch our movie. Also females and males would both be up for watching our movie. We also did secondary research and found that many people between that age group liked the genre of our movie. We also believe that at the age mentioned above many people like doing things that give them a thrill. We also looked at movies that were massive successes such as The Dark Knight Rises and figured out what made the movie such a success. We also looked at Shutter Island and how the mysterious theme in the movie made it such a success. We had to avoid anything that wasn't serious enough in our movie we couldn't have our characters smiling sarcastically or anything of that nature. 


Here we have our directors cut of our movie. We explain what is occurring in each scene and it makes a more sense about what is occurring. One thing I realised is that our opening scene focused on 'surprising' the audience too much and might have  not made sense to them. However if we were to carry on with our movie it would have made sense to our audience as the narrative would have been similar to Shutter Island, but not as in depth ours would have a more blunt narrative but it would still give the audience an explanation of what is going on in our narrative

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