Monday 16 March 2015


Location shots
This is where we filmed our torture scene. We chose this location because it when the curtains were closed and the lights turned off the room was very dark and scary. This was perfect for our scene as the spot light would would be directly on the characters and only show some of their features to keep up with the whole element of confusion about what is going to happen. The scene is very creepy and intense and this effect is intensified by the location of our shooting.

Our flashback scenes where filmed in Florence park. We found this to be suitable as it looked like a typical meet up location. It fitted all the stereotyoes of a meeting place for two friends. The park is a real calm and relaxed placed. Not many people where about and this was suitable for us as it meant members of the public where not scared by our filming. This location also fit the theme of betrayal and avoiding the police as it was a very quiet place at the time of our filming.

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