Tuesday 24 March 2015

self assessment

Self assesment for the final film
We came into our movie not knowing much about how the production of a movie worked. Me and my team loved this challenge. We wanted a story that would be thrilling and would make good viewing for our audience. We knew we would face amny challenges when making our movie, some of which would not be our fault. However, we prepared for this and we took initiative when faced with a problem, editing the story to what suited the camera when filming. 

When we eventually came up with an idea we adapted it to suit our budget and avoid running into trouble with the law. We decided to extend our torture scene as it was indoors and we could use weapons for our filming. We also realised that with the use of correct camera shots we could make our torture scene look real and intense. The way we managed to adapt the story when we needed to was something that the team could do very well, many of us decided to take on board tasks by judging what we were best at. For example Zenny took charge of editing, Denis took charge of camera shots, whereas I was director.

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